Add function on line 26 to your CreateAndSaveAnchor function. We will change the color of the sphere to indicate that it is saved or failed to save.
/// <summary>
/// Creates a sphere at the hit point, and then saves a CloudSpatialAnchor there.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hitPoint">The hit point.</param>
protected virtual void CreateAndSaveAnchor(Vector3 hitPoint)
// Create a white sphere.
sphere = GameObject.Instantiate(spherePrefab, hitPoint, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
sphereMaterial = sphere.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material;
sphereMaterial.color = Color.white;
Debug.Log("ASA Info: Created a local anchor.");
// Create the CloudSpatialAnchor.
currentCloudAnchor = new CloudSpatialAnchor();
// Set the LocalAnchor property of the CloudSpatialAnchor to the WorldAnchor component of our white sphere.
WorldAnchor worldAnchor = sphere.GetComponent<WorldAnchor>();
if (worldAnchor == null)
throw new Exception("ASA Error: Couldn't get the local anchor pointer.");
// Save the CloudSpatialAnchor to the cloud.
currentCloudAnchor.LocalAnchor = worldAnchor.GetNativeSpatialAnchorPtr();
Task.Run(async () =>
// Wait for enough data about the environment.
while (recommendedForCreate < 1.0F)
await Task.Delay(330);
bool success = false;
QueueOnUpdate(() =>
// We are about to save the CloudSpatialAnchor to the Azure Spatial Anchors, turn it yellow.
sphereMaterial.color = Color.yellow;
await cloudSpatialAnchorSession.CreateAnchorAsync(currentCloudAnchor);
success = currentCloudAnchor != null;
if (success)
// Allow the user to tap again to clear state and look for the anchor.
tapExecuted = false;
// Record the identifier to locate.
cloudSpatialAnchorId = currentCloudAnchor.Identifier;
QueueOnUpdate(() =>
// Turn the sphere blue.
sphereMaterial.color =;
Debug.Log("ASA Info: Saved anchor to Azure Spatial Anchors! Identifier: " + cloudSpatialAnchorId);
sphereMaterial.color =;
Debug.LogError("ASA Error: Failed to save, but no exception was thrown.");
catch (Exception ex)
QueueOnUpdate(() =>
sphereMaterial.color =;
Debug.LogError("ASA Error: " + ex.Message);