To rotate and scale an object, first ensure that the Manipulation Handler (Script) and Near Interaction Grabbable (Script) components are added to the object. The Manipulation Handler (Script) allows you to manipulate an object while the Near Interaction Grabble (Script) allows the object to respond to near hand interactions.
To add the scripts to the object, first select the object in the Hierarchy window. In the Inspector window, click Add Component and search for each script. Once found, select the script to add to the object.
With the object selected, in the Inspector window, navigate to the Manipulation Handler (Script) component to modify the component's parameters.
You can rotate an object using one or two hands. This setting is dependent on the Manipulation Type parameter. The Manipulation Type can be limited to either:
One Handed Only
Two Handed Only
One and Two Handed
Select Two Handed Only for Manipulation Type so that the user can only manipulate the object with two hands.
To limit the two handed manipulation to rotating and scaling, change Two Handed Manipulation Type to Rotate Scale.
To limit whether the object can be rotated on the x, y or z axis, change Constraint on Rotation to your preferred axis.
You can now test rotating and scaling the object using the in-editor simulation. Press the Play button to enter Game mode. Once in Game mode, press T and Y on the keyboard to toggle both hands. This will permanently display both hands in Game mode. Press the space bar to move the right hand and use left mouse click + Shift to move the left hand. While either controlling the left or right hand, use the mouse to rotate and scale the object.
The HandInteractionExamples.unity example scene contains various types of interactions and UI controls that highlight articulated hand input.
To try the hand interaction scene, first open the HandInteractionExamples scene under Assets\MixedRealityToolkit.Examples\Demos\HandTracking\Scenes\HandInteractionExamples
This example scene uses TextMesh Pro. If you receive a prompt asking you to import TMP Essentials, select the Import TMP Essentials button. Some of the MRTK examples use TMP Essentials for improved text rendering. After you select Import TMP Essentials, Unity will then import the package.
After Unity completes the import, close the TMP Importer window and reload the scene. You can reload the scene by double-clicking the scene in the Project window.
After the scene is reloaded, press the Play button.
Bounding boxes make it easier and more intuitive to manipulate objects with one hand for both near and far interaction by providing handles that can be used for scaling and rotating. A bounding box will show a cube around the hologram to indicate that it can be interacted with. The bounding box also reacts to user input.
You can add a bounding box to an object by adding the BoundingBox.cs script as a component of the object.
To add the Bounding Box (Script) component to an object, first select the object in the Hierarchy window. In the Inspector window, click Add Component and search for Bounding Box.
Select the Bounding Box script to apply the component to the object. The bounding box is only visible in Game mode. Press play to view the bounding box. By default, the HoloLens 1st gen style is used.
To reflect the MRTK bounding box style, you need to change the parameters inside the Handles section of the Bounding Box (Script) component.
You can change the color of the handles by assigning a material to the Handle Material property.
In the Handles section, click the circle icon to open the Select Material window.
In the Select Material window, search for BoundingBoxHandleWhite. Once found, select to assign the color to the handle material.
When you press play, the handle colors for the bounding box will be white.
You can change the color of the handles when an object is grabbed by assigning a material to the Handle Grabbed Material property.
In the Handles section, click the circle icon to open the Select Material window.
In the Select Material window, search for BoundingBoxHandleBlueGrabbed. Once found, select to assign the color to the handle material.
When you press play, grab one of the handles of the bounding box. The color of the handle will change to blue.
You can change the scale handles in corners by assigning a scale handle prefab in the Scale Handle Prefab and Scale Handle Slate Prefab (for 2D slate) parameters.
First, assign a prefab to the Scale Handle Prefab. In the Handles section, click the circle icon to open the Select GameObject window.
In the Select GameObject window, switch to the Assets tab and search for MRTK_BoundingBox_ScaleHandle. Once found, select to assign the prefab to the scale handle.
Next, assign a prefab to the Scale Handle Slate Prefab. In the Handles section, click the circle icon to open the Select GameObject window.
In the Select GameObject window, switch to the Assets tab and search for MRTK_BoundingBox_ScaleHandle_Slate. Once found, select to assign the prefab to the scale handle.
When you press play, grab one of the handles of the bounding box to see the change in how the scale handle look.
You can change the rotation handles by assigning a rotation handle prefab in the Rotation Handle Prefab parameter.
In the Handles section, click the circle icon to open the Select GameObject window.
In the Select GameObject window, switch to the Assets tab and search for MRTK_BoundingBox_RotateHandle. Once found, select to assign the prefab to the scale handle.
When you press play, grab one of the handles of the bounding box to see the change in how the scale handle look.
You can organize any objects in Unity into a grid by using an Object collection script. In this example, you will learn how to organize 6 3D objects into a 3 x 3 grid.
First, configure your Unity scene for the Mixed Reality Toolkit. Next, in the Hierarchy window, right click in an empty space and select Create Empty. This will create an empty GameObject. Name the object CubeCollection.
In the Inspector window, position CubeCollection so that the collection displays in front of the user (example, X = 0, Y = -0.2, Z = 2).
With CubeCollection still selected, in the Hierarchy window, create a child Cube object. Change the scale of the object to x = .25, y = .25, z = .25.
Duplicate the child Cube object 8 times so that there is a total of 9 Cube child objects within the CubeCollection object.
In the Hierarchy window, select CubeCollection. In the Inspector window, click Add Component and search for the Grid Object Collection (Script). Once found, select the component to add to the object.
Configure the Grid Object Collection (Script) component by changing the Sort Type property to Child Order. This will ensure that the child objects (the 9 Cube objects) are sorted in the order you placed them under the parent object.
Click Update Collection to apply the new configuration.
You can adjust the parameters within the Grid Object Collection (Script) component to further customize the grid. For example, you could change the number of rows to 2 by changing the value in the Num Rows properties. Be sure to click Update Collection to apply the new configuration.
To grab and move an object, first ensure that the Manipulation Handler (Script) and Near Interaction Grabbable (Script) components are added to the object. The Manipulation Handler (Script) allows you to manipulate an object while the **Near Interaction Grabble (Script) allows the object to respond to near hand interactions.
To add the scripts to the object, first select the object in the Hierarchy window. In the Inspector window, click Add Component and search for each script. Once found, select the script to add to the object.
With the object selected, in the Inspector window, navigate to the Manipulation Handler (Script) component to modify the component's parameters.
You can move an object using one or two hands. This setting is dependent on the Manipulation Type parameter. The Manipulation Type can be limited to either:
One Handed Only
Two Handed Only
One and Two Handed
Select the preferred Manipulation Type so that the user is restricted to use one of the available manipulation types.
You can now test grabbing and moving the object using the in-editor simulation. Press the Play button to enter Game mode. Once in Game mode, hold the space bar to bring up the hand and use the mouse to grab and move the object.
You can configure an object to play a sound when the user touches an object by adding a trigger touch event to the object.
To be able to trigger touch events, the object must have the following components:
Collider component, preferably a Box Collider
Near Interaction Touchable (Script) component
Hand Interaction Touch (Script) component
To add audio feedback, first add an Audio Source component to the object. The audio source component enables you to play audio back in the scene. In the Hierarchy window, select the object and click Add Component in the Inspector window. Search for Audio Source to add the Audio Source component.
Once the Audio Source component has been added to the object, in the Inspector window, change the Spatial Blend property to 1 to enable spatial audio.
Next, with the object still selected, click Add Component and search for the Near Interaction Touchable (Script). Once found, select the component to add to the object. Near interactions come in the form of touches and grabs - which is an interaction that occurs when the user is within close proximity to an object and uses hand interaction.
After the Near Interaction Touchable (Script) is added to the object, click the Fix Bounds and Fix Center buttons. This will update the Local Center and Bounds properties of the Near Interaction Touchable (Script) to match the BoxCollider.
With the object still selected, click Add Component and search for the Hand Interaction Touch (Script). Once found, select the component to add to the object.
To make audio play when the object is touched, you will need to add an On Touch Started event to the Hand Interaction Touch (Script) component. In the Inspector window, navigate to the Hand Interaction Touch (Script) component and click the small + icon to create a new On Touch Started () event.
Drag the object to receive the event and define AudioSource.PlayOneShot as the action to be triggered. PlayOneShot will play the audio clip.
Next, assign an audio clip to the trigger. You can find audio clips provided by MRTK by navigating to Assets > MixedRealityToolkit.SDK > StandardAssets > Audio. Once you've found a suitable audio clip, assign the audio clip to the Audio Clip field.
You can now test the touch interaction using the in-editor simulation. Press the Play button to enter Game mode. Once in Game mode, hold the spacebar to bring up the hand and use the mouse to touch the object and trigger the sound effect.
Mixed Reality Toolkit is equipped with a variety of button prefabs that you could add to your project. A prefab is a pre-configured GameObject stored as a Unity Asset and can be reused throughout your project.
You can find button prefabs available in MRTK by navigating to MixedRealityToolkit.SDK > Features > UX > Interactable > Prefabs.
In this project, you will learn how to change the color of a cube when a button is pressed.
First, select the button of your choice from the Project window and drag into the Hierarchy window.
Change the button's Transform Position so that it's positioned in front of the camera to x = 0, y = 0, and z = 0.5
Next, right click on an empty spot in the Hierarchy window and click 3D Object > Cube.
With the Cube object still selected, in the Inspector window, change the Transform Position so that the cube is located near but not overlapping the button. In addition, resize the cube by changing the Transform Scale.
In the Hierarchy window, select the button. In the Inspector window, navigate to the Interactable (Script) component.
In the Events section, expand the Receivers section.
Click the Add Event button to create a new event receiver of Event Receiver Type InteractableOnPressReceiver.
For the newly created InteractableOnPressReceiver event, change the Interaction Filter to Near and Far.
From the Hierarchy window, click and drag the Cube GameObject into the Event Properties object field for the On Press() event to assign the Cube as a receiver of the On Press () event.
Next, click the action dropdown (currently assigned No Function) and select MeshRenderer > Material material. This action will set the Cube's material property to change when the button is pressed.
Now, assign a color for the Cube to change to when the button is pressed. Click the small circle icon next to the Material field (currently assigned None (Material)) to open the Select Material window.
MRTK provides a variety of materials that can be used in your projects. In the search bar, search for MRTK_Standard and select your color of choice.
Now that the event is configured for when the button is pressed, you now need to configure an event that occurs when the button is released. For the On Release () event, click and drag the Cube GameObject into the Event Properties.
Next, click the action dropdown (currently assigned No Function) and select MeshRenderer > Material material. This action will set the Cube's material property to change when the button is released.
Now, assign a color for the Cube to change to when the button is released. Click the small circle icon next to the Material field (currently assigned None (Material)) to open the Select Material window and search for MRTK_Standard. Select your choice of color.
Now that both the On Press () and On Trigger () events are configured for the button, press Play to enter Game mode and test the button in the in-editor simulator.
To press the button, press the space bar + mouse scroll forward.
To release the button, press the space bar + mouse scroll backward.
MRTK uses what are known as Solvers to allow UI elements to follow the user or other game objects in the scene. The Radial View solver is a tag-along component that keeps a particular portion of a GameObject within the user's view.
You can make a button follow your hand by adding the Radial View (Script) component to the object.
First, drag a button prefab from MixedRealityToolkit.SDK > Features > UX > Interactable > Prefabs to the Hierarchy window.
In the Hierarchy window, select the button prefab. In the Inspector window, click Add Component. Search for Radial View. Once found, select to add the component to the button.
When you add the Radial View (Script) component to the button, the Solver Handler (Script) component is added as well because it is required by the Radial View (Script).
The Solver Handler (Script) component needs to be configured so that the button follows the user's hand. First, change Tracked Target Type to Hand Joint. This will enable you to define which hand joint the button follows.
Next, for the Solver Handler (Script) component, change Tracked Handness to Right. This setting determines which hand is tracked.
There over 20 hand joints available for tracking. Still inside the Solver Handler (Script) component, change Tracked Hand Joint to Wrist so that the button tracks the user's wrist.
Now that the hand tracking is configured, you need to configure the Radial View (Script) component to further define where the button is located and how it is viewed in relation to the user. First, change Reference Direction to Facing World Up. This parameter determines which direction the button faces.
Next, in the Radial View (Script) component, change the Min Distance and Max Distance to 0. The Min and Max Distance parameters determine how far the button should be kept from the user. As a reminder, the unit of measurement in Unity is meters. Therefore, a Min Distance of 1 would push the buttona way to ensure it is never closer than 1 meter to the user.
Now that the button is configured to follow your right wrist, press Play to enter Game mode and test the solver in the in-editor simulator. Press and hold the space bar to bring up the hand. Move the mouse cursor around to move the hand, and click and hold the left mouse button to rotate the hand: