XRReferenceSpaceType defines how much your user can move in you experience.
Similar to the local
type, except the user is not expected to move outside a predetermined boundary, given by the in the returned object.
A tracking space whose native origin is located near the viewer's position at the time the session was created. The exact position depends on the underlying platform and implementation. The user isn't expected to move much if at all beyond their starting position, and tracking is optimized for this use case.
For devices with six degrees of freedom (6DoF) tracking, the local
reference space tries to keep the origin stable relative to the environment.
Similar to the local
type, except the starting position is placed in a safe location for the viewer to stand, where the value of the y axis is 0 at floor level. If that floor level isn't known, the will estimate the floor level. If the estimated floor level is non-zero, the browser is expected to round it such a way as to avoid fingerprinting (likely to the nearest centimeter).
A tracking space which allows the user total freedom of movement, possibly over extremely long distances from their origin point. The viewer isn't tracked at all; tracking is optimized for stability around the user's current position, so the native origin may drift as needed to accommodate that need.
A tracking space whose native origin tracks the viewer's position and orientation. This is used for environments in which the user can physically move around, and is supported by all instances of , both immersive and inline, though it's most useful for inline sessions. It's particularly useful when determining the distance between the viewer and an input, or when working with offset spaces. Otherwise, typically, one of the other reference space types will be used more often.
Create your first AR & VR applications on the Web
In this section, we will turn our 3D experience from the last section into an immersive experience. We will develop on our local device, laptop or desktop and run the code locally.
You can follow along the tutorial using an online editor. If you want to learn how to develop on your local environment, please follow the below checklist.
WebXR-compatible devices include fully-immersive 3D headsets(VR Headsets) with motion and orientation tracking, Augmented Reality glasses, like HoloLens and MagicLeap ,which overlay graphics atop the real world scene passing through the frames, and AR compatible(ARCore and ARKit supported) handheld mobile phones which augment reality by capturing the world with a camera and augment that scene with computer-generated imagery.
iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad currently does not support WebXR APIs in Safari or Chrome but WebXR Viewer App is available from the App Store:
The basic steps most WebXR applications will go through are:
Query to see if the desired XR mode is supported.
If support is available, advertise XR functionality to the user.
A indicates that the user wishes to use XR.
Request an immersive session from the device
Use the session to run a render loop that produces graphical frames to be displayed on the XR device.
Continue producing frames until the user indicates that they wish to exit XR mode.
End the XR session.
WebXR is a group of standards being implemented by the browsers, which are used together to support rendering 3D scenes to hardware designed for Mixed Reality. Mixed Reality devices are presenting virtual worlds (virtual reality, or VR), or for adding graphical imagery to the real world, (augmented reality, or AR).
The WebXR Device API implements the core of the WebXR feature set, managing the selection of output devices, render the 3D scene to the chosen device at the appropriate frame rate, and manage input, such as controllers and hand interactions.
WebXR Device APIs are replacing the deprecated WebVR API. WebVR API was designed with only VR devices in mind. With the addition of new AR headsets and AR capable handheld devices, the WebVR API is deprecated in favor of WebXR Device APIs, that include AR Modules.
00:00 Introduction
01:09 WebXR Device APIs: https://github.com/immersive-web/webx...
02:30 Immersive Devices
03:59 VR Headsets for Mobile Devices.
05:09 Oculus Quest
06:07 Augmented Reality(AR) or Mixed Reality(MR) Headsets
07:00 WebXR with Mobile Devices
07:36 Pokemon Go
08:18 WebVR vs WebXR
09:43 Virtual Reality on the Web
10:36 Mozilla Hello WebXR Demo: https://mixedreality.mozilla.org/hell...
11:12 WebXR Features 11: 30 Gamepad API
12:56 Input Profiles Library
14:51 WebAR Module
15:50 Hit Test
17:11 How to Get Started Building WebXR Experiences
17:25 WebGL
18:00 WebXR Libraries
18:08 ThreeJS: https://threejs.org/
18:17 A-Frame: https://aframe.io/
18:26 BabylonJS: https://www.babylonjs.com/
18:37 React 360: https://facebook.github.io/react-360/
18:53 PlayCanvas: https://playcanvas.com/
19:00 More on A-Frame
19:55 A-Frame Hello World Code
21:07 Future of WebXR APIs
21:29 WebXR Accessibility and DOM Overlay API
24:13 Lighting Estimation Using Computer Vision
25:05 Anchors
26:42 Layers
28:16 Hand Interactions
29:10 WebXR Resources 30: 10 How to Get Involved with Immersive Web Working and Community Groups
Different browsers are implementing and WebXR APIs in different timeframes. Currently Chrome and new Edge browsers have WebXR APIs turned on as default and some of the features are under experimental flags.
You can check the current support status at .
You can turn on experimental flags by navigating to chrome://flags/ or edge://flags/ and searching for the experimental flag you are looking to enable and choosing enable from the drop down menu.
Similar to VR experience, you can add AR Button to enable AR experiences. Additionally, you can specify the required and optional AR features your experience will use.
Add a controller: Returns a Group representing the so called target ray space of the controller. Use this space for visualizing 3D objects that support the user in pointing tasks like UI interaction.
When we are hitting a surface, to indicate the surface, we will create a reticle to our scene.
Let's define the onSelect event that we attached to controller. When the select event happen, meaning user decides to place the object and we create it on the chosen location.
Finally in our render function, we will check in every XRFrame if we have an hit-test source to display the reticle on the surface.
To run the code on your device, you have to give access to your camera when prompted.
Only a few loaders (e.g. ObjectLoader) are included by default with three.js — others should be added to your app individually.
Once you've imported a loader, you're ready to add a model to your scene. Syntax varies among different loaders — when using another format, check the examples and documentation for that loader. For glTF, usage with global scripts would be:
Change the onSelect function to load and place the model, instead of the Sphere mesh we were placing previously.
We can add event callbacks for loading manager.
See GLTFLoader documentation for further details.
You've spent hours modeling an artisanal masterpiece, you load it into the webpage, and — oh no! 😭 It's distorted, miscolored, or missing entirely. Start with these troubleshooting steps:
Check the JavaScript console for errors, and make sure you've used an onError callback when calling .load() to log the result.
View the model in another application. For glTF, drag-and-drop viewers are available for three.js and babylon.js. If the model appears correctly in one or more applications, file a bug against three.js. If the model cannot be shown in any application, we strongly encourage filing a bug with the application used to create the model.
Try scaling the model up or down by a factor of 1000. Many models are scaled differently, and large models may not appear if the camera is inside the model.
Try to add and position a light source. The model may be hidden in the dark.
Look for failed texture requests in the network tab, like C:\\Path\To\Model\texture.jpg. Use paths relative to your model instead, such as images/texture.jpg — this may require editing the model file in a text editor.
If you are running into issues, check out the scenarios below that might be causing the problem.
Serving your site using http
You would not be able to see your site if you are serving over http. WebXR APIs require secure htttps server.