05 - Map Visualization
Spatial Visualization using Bing Map using HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets.
Shortlink: aka.ms/UnityBingMapsVisualizationLesson
This project is for HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets.
In this project, we will create a 3D Map visualization using Bing Maps Unity SDK: aka.ms/BingMapsUnitySDK.
Outings, a sample app created by Bings Map SDK can be found on Microsoft Store for PC and HoloLens 1: aka.ms/OutingsHoloLens1
What we will build?
We will build the app in below video for HoloLens 2. You can render it for Windows Mixed Reality Headset and use hand controllers instead of hand gestures.
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