05 - Map Visualization
Spatial Visualization using Bing Map using HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets.
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Spatial Visualization using Bing Map using HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets.
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Shortlink: aka.ms/UnityBingMapsVisualizationLesson
This project is for HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality Headsets.
In this project, we will create a 3D Map visualization using Bing Maps Unity SDK: aka.ms/BingMapsUnitySDK.
Outings, a sample app created by Bings Map SDK can be found on Microsoft Store for PC and HoloLens 1: aka.ms/OutingsHoloLens1
We will build the app in below video for HoloLens 2. You can render it for Windows Mixed Reality Headset and use hand controllers instead of hand gestures.