How to get started with Unity3D Editor interface?
In this section, you will learn Unity3D interface, tools and keyboard shortcuts.
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In this section, you will learn Unity3D interface, tools and keyboard shortcuts.
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The Unity Editor has four main sections:
This is where you can edit the current Scene by selecting and moving objects in the 3D space for the game. In this kit, the game level is contained in one Scene.
This is a list of all the GameObjects in a Scene. Every object in your game is a GameObject. These can be placed in a parent-child hierarchy, which lets you group objects — this means that when the parent object is moved, all of its children will move at the same time.
This display all settings related to the currently selected object. You will explore this window more during the walkthrough.
This is where you manage your Project Assets. Assets are the media files used in a Project (for example, images, 3D models and sound files). The Project window acts like a file explorer, and it can be used to explore and create folders on your computer. When the walkthrough asks you to find an Asset at a given file path, use this window.
TIP: If your Editor layout doesn’t match the image above, use the layout drop-down menu at the top right of the toolbar to select Default.
The toolbar includes a range of useful tool buttons to help you design and test your game.
Play is used to test the Scene which is currently loaded in the Hierarchy window, and enables you to try out your game live in the Editor.
Pause, as you have probably guessed, allows you to pause the game playing in the Game window. This helps you spot visual problems or gameplay issues that you wouldn’t otherwise see.
Step is used to walk through the paused Scene frame by frame. This works really well when you’re looking for live changes in the game world that it would be helpful to see in real time.
These tools move and manipulate the GameObjects in the Scene view. You can click on the buttons to activate them, or use a shortcut key.
You can use this tool to move your Scene around in the window. You can also use middle click with the mouse to access the tool.
This tool enables you to select items and move them individually.
Select items and rotate them with this tool.
Tool to scale your GameObjects up and down.
This tool does lots of things. Essentially, it combines moving, scaling and rotation into a single tool that’s specialized for 2D and UI.
This tool enables you to move, rotate, or scale GameObjects, but is more specialized for 3D.
Another useful shortcut is the F key, which enables you to focus on a selected object. If you forget where a GameObject is in your Scene, select it in the Hierarchy. Then, move your cursor over the Scene view and press F to center it.
When you’re in the Scene view, you can also do the following:
Left click to select your GameObject in the Scene.
Middle click and drag to move the Scene view’s camera using the hand tool.
For more advice on moving GameObjects in the Scene view, see Scene View Navigation in the Manual.